Monday 29 March 2010

26/03/2010 Evaluation


Final Film: Damnatio

Wednesday 24 March 2010


Today we did the last editing for the film. We decided to make the shot flash when we saw the ghost girl (Amy) several times throughout the film. This made her appear more freaky and more unreal. We also added a distorted screetch when we did this. The effect of this was to make her apperance more shocking to the audience. We did this effectively.


Today we edited the footage of Steph lying dead on the flood. We changed the saturation of it to make it look more drainy and distorted. We also slowed it down which had a good effect. At the end of the sequence we faded the shot to show she was going to hell. This looked effective.

Tuesday 16 March 2010


Setting: Radnor avenue (Road)
Costume: Stephs dark clothes

Today we filmed our final sequence. This was a high angle shot of Steph lying down dead in the road. We achieved this by using a crane as it allowed us to get the shot from higher up and it meant that there wouldn't be shadows over Steph as we didn't need to lean over her. In order to get a believable shot of her dead we adjusted her body in order to make her look awkward. Unfortunately the floor was wet so we did this as quickly as possible. Luckily our shots didn't look rushed.
It soon started to rain so we covered up and protected our equipment and headed back to school.
We then uploaded our footage. As the crane was handheld some of the shots looked shaky. We immediately dismissed these shots and used the better shots.


Today we continued with editing the film. The footage we filmed of amy (ghost) was turned black and white and added as a flash as Steph walked along the bridge. We also sped up these clips in order to make them more distorted and shocking to the viewer. We also edited the shots where Steph walked out the house, saw the ghost and ran down the street. with these shots it was not a matter of making them freaky, just a mater of not making it look jumpy. The aim of these shots was to make it clear that Steph saw the ghost (Amy). We did this by doing an over the shoulder shot from Amy (ghost) watching Steph as she noticed her and then ran off. We chose an over the shoulder shot instead of a point of view shot as it would look odd and unprofessional if Steph was to look directly at the camera.
We managed to edit these shots very successfully and they worked very well in the film.


Location: Michaels house and road

Today we shot the scenes of Steph leaving the house and running down the road, in order to better the continuity of our project as the scenes did not connect very well and made the narrative difficult to understand. We used Michael's house because we were able to get there during school time. During the filming we also took a few shots of Amy to add into the flashbacks to make the narrative clearer.
We then uploaded the shots ready to edit on 11/03/10.

Tuesday 9 March 2010


Today we continued with our editing, however we found that our film was 40 seconds over the designated time, with one more shot still needed. We therefore had to painfully started to cut out shots we thought were less important.
Once we had done this, leaving enough room for the last shot, we finished of the title sequence by choosing a font for the opening titles. However, we had trouble here as well. We found that the font we wanted would only be in black, which would camouflage with the black background. So we experimented with different coloured backgrounds but they did not look very effective. In the end we ended up changing the lighting of the font to make it white against a black background.
We then began to add transitions between the flashbacks and the bridge scene to make it clear that they were memories. To complete the flashbacks we then cut out all diegetic sound and replaced it with non-diegetic music.
Whilst editing later in the day we realised that the last shot where the camera pans down from the bridge to the ghost and the dead body was not a particuarly shocking or memorable way to finish the beggining of our horror film. We then decided that we would re-shoot a new shot on the 10/03/10 to end the film with.